Giving Thanks to the First Farmers

>>  Wednesday, November 21, 2012

With gratitude to the first American farmers - The natives on this soil who grew abundant plant based foods:

And apologies for having repaid you so unkindly: Thanksgiving A Native American View

We European immigrants should be the ones who plead for pardon. 

In Lakota wolakota wa yaka cola - peace without slavery - Would be something all of us would be very thankful for. le mita pila - my thanks to those who strive for this goal.


veganelder November 21, 2012 at 3:13 PM  

I'm always a little spooked when I'm among my Native American friends...their ways and their viewpoints are often so much wiser than mine. Peace without slavery...of any kind...indeed a worthy goal.

Bea Elliott November 22, 2012 at 7:29 AM  

Wiser than veganelder? Not ever from my POV... Whether you know it or not - I'm beholding to you for so many things you've taught me. Very thankful for your friendship! le mita pila

Anonymous November 22, 2012 at 8:02 AM  

This two-part video taught me so much, and made me so grateful that I have friends who help me peel back the layers of falsehood and find the truth. I have new respect for the Choctaws and all the other Native Americans who lived -- and continue to live -- compassionately, embracing all creatures as equals. I love the idea of "mutual helpfulness." It's how we're made to be.

Bea Elliott November 22, 2012 at 4:05 PM  

I know what you mean Olivia about learning other stuff than what we were taught in schools - especially about the early settlers and our exploitative relationship with the Native Americans.

In fact, on the way to our ThanksVegan meal my husband and I had a conversation about what we each "learned" in school as kids --- Oh the terrible lies! It really makes for distrusting adults... If you know what I mean. :/

Such peaceful people that we did such awful things to... Reminds me of the way we treat our nonhuman friends today. And I know eventually in time - We will be just as shocked and shamed by it...

Till then - Thank you for your mutual helpfulness in peeling back the layers.