Tragic Turkey Traditions Turn Into Happy ThanksLiving Wish

>>  Wednesday, November 23, 2011

It's the same every year... Mid-November marks when the turkey talk begins.  And it doesn't seem to let up till after the New Year.  Or at least that's the case with me for the last few years... Ever since I discovered what the traditions really entailed.  

And every year you get the assortment of do-it-yourselfers who like to experience the whole bloody mess right in their back yards.  I figure that's their way of seizing the Kodak moments and starting new, warm and fuzzy "traditions" to help tide them through their otherwise shallow lives.  Ugh! The "shrine" photo just tops them all! :(

So, to counter all the hoopla - If you're eating (and personally killing) turkeys because you just love tradition- You're welcome to serve yourself up a slice of reality with a nostalgic theme:

Manners and etiquette are always good rituals to secure "tradition" to!

And here's a classic 1996 video from Farm Sanctuary.

In the meantime for all those who truly value life.  And who are courageous and ingenious enough to start your own traditions... To those who celebrate with care - And live with kindness:

I Wish You a Very, Very Happy ThanksLiving Day!  


Anonymous November 24, 2011 at 2:24 PM  

Bea, thank you for your tribute to kindness and compassion -- and for not being timid about revealing the hidden horrors that are part and parcel of treating our fellow-beings as food.

Thank you, too, for sharing the lovely sentiment expressed by the late and great Shirley Wilkes-Johnson, whose widower, Ben, I met last Saturday at a Gentle Thanksgiving dinner in Houston, hosted by Vegan Society of PEACE.

Was just thinking how defenders of the carnist status quo pretend that there is no difference in "killing" plants and killing animals -- that all these "resources" have thoughts and feelings.

I wonder why it is that abusive farm hands and slaughter hands punch, kick, throw, stomp on and laugh at the suffering of the sentient animals they are manhandling, but those who pick the "fruits" of non-sentient plants don't punch, kick, throw, stomp on and laugh at carrots or kiwi, almonds or apples, soybeans or strawberries.

A question for undeveloped minds and hardened hearts to ponder.

veganelder November 25, 2011 at 1:53 AM  

A happy ThanksLiving to you too, Bea.

Because of the focus on the death of innocent beings, this time of the year is difficult and depressing.

I find myself looking at those that find joy in the death and wonder (silently)..."what's wrong with you?"....probably they return the favor.

Thank you for your efforts.

Bea Elliott December 5, 2011 at 10:31 PM  

Hello Anonymous and please pardon the delay... That's wonderful that you met Ben at such a happy event. I'm glad he's continuing on exactly the way the Shirley would have wanted.

That's an excellent point you make about how fruits and veggies aren't "abused" --- If they were just like animals, you'd figure there would be some saddist somewhere causing harm. We'll have to keep our eyes open in the produce section to find the "humanely picked" tomatoes and radishes! LOL!

Thanks for your comment - Hang in there... We're bringing lots of great ideas and open hearts to the table! ;)

Bea Elliott December 5, 2011 at 10:37 PM  

Hi VE! I take it you made it through phase one of the onslaught. And now the countdown begins with the endless purchases of leather bags, boots and coats... Furs... Cosmetics... And pedigree pooches as the seasonal exchange draws near. And then the grand finale of yet another dead bird or a piece of a pig. It's disheartening... Yes - Depressing.

I find endurance only in knowing that there are others like me who see and feel the same. Thanks for providing the welcome support.