Death With Pumpkin Pie? No Thanks.

>>  Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Franny from Animal Place
In the Name of Tradition 
By Heather Leughmyer 

In a smothering sea of white
Gentle beauty is lost
Born and bred to be dinner
Whatever the cost.
Debeaked, detoed, crippled and weak
Disease running rampant
Your future is bleak.
In a huge sunless warehouse
Tens of thousands crammed tight
Kept like a secret
Out of mind, out of sight.
When your body is fattened
And you collapse from the weight
You are grabbed by rough hands
And sent to your fate.
Hung by your feet
Flapping and scared
Still conscious, confused
If only they cared.
Your neck is then slit
By a mechanized blade
As life drains from your body
You’re alone and afraid.
Another beside you
Misses the knife
Still conscious, she’s boiled
Slowly ending her life.
Andrea with rescued turkey hen Clove
Neatly you are packaged
Shipped to every store
Butterball makes money
Spent breeding millions more.
Behind the tidy shrink-wrap
Is a mutilated bird
Who had feelings and emotions
And cries that went unheard.
Emily and Beatrice the turkey
In the name of “tradition”
Tens of millions will die
Somehow their sad remains
Seem so wrong with pumpkin pie.


You can observe a turkey. Hold a turkey. Pet a turkey. 

You can bathe a turkey.

Farm Sanctuary 
And you can certainly love a turkey.

But please, oh pretty please --- Don't ever, ever eat a turkey!

Pumpkin pie is much more delicious when served with kindness instead.


veganelder November 21, 2013 at 5:02 AM  

Please...don't ever eat a turkey! I second that.

Thank you.

Bea Elliott November 27, 2013 at 9:17 AM  

There are w-a-y too many alternatives to eating birds or anyone! In fact with all the talk of food during the last few days I'm "stuffed" already. But I'm certain to have enough room to scarf down some delicious goodies tomorrow. Hope your holiday celebrations are wonderful and peaceful. <3