Vegan Valentines... I Won't Hurt You

>>  Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My husband and I took a rare excursion on Sunday... It was an event that I was hoping to see pretty paintings and to meet with the artists. Little did I know that it would also be a place surrounded by tables of taxidermy, "skins", "furs" and weapons to harm. Needless to say my Vegan tee-shirt stuck out like a sore thumb. :/ On top of that the particular tent that contained the ONLY exhibit I was interested in was right next to a marathon of "duck calling" contests. What a headache to shout over that annoying, constant bombardment of noise meant to trick helpless birds... Anyway - I digress...

Among the displays of the remains of murdered others was also a "petting zoo". There was a camel, a zebra, a lama, a cow, some sheep and goats. At least those were the beings I could see on the perimeter. I couldn't help but stop to stroke a friendly Billy (and tell him how sorry I was)... In a moment a child was behind me, with his outstretched hand ready to join in the love saying "Don't worry... I won't hurt you."

Funny thing --- Recently at a road side flea market a young girl also said that very same thing to these enslaved ponies: "Don't worry... I won't hurt you."

And I'm certain I overheard another child whisper this too as he mounted the elephant for a ride: "Don't worry... I won't hurt you."

Meanwhile when the parents hear this they are so convinced and pleased that they are raising sensitive and sympathetic kids... So normal - So right. So socially well adjusted:

...And so very humane.

If you are a parent... Of course you know that your children learn everything about life from you. Please, for their sake and for the innocent nonhumans - Don't let it be all lies! Spread the real love! There are compassionate and healthier options! Go Vegan!


Anonymous February 13, 2013 at 4:36 PM  

Really? You didn't suspect, Bea?

Whenever I hear an ad on the radio for an upcoming "outdoor show" at my city's convention center, I'm always prepared for what's coming next: pleasantries about the joys of camping and nature . . . followed by mumbled references to "fishing" and "hunting." Sometimes, though, the ad features lots of jabber about Safari Club International (SCI), which I long ago learned (from Matthew Scully's "Dominion") is the most anti-animals organization Satan could've ever dreamed up.

Thanks for displaying the deceptively innocent Valentine's Day cards next to their counterpart photos, which display the macabre truth all too vividly, Bea.

Bea Elliott February 13, 2013 at 4:59 PM  

Hi Olivia --- Nope. In all honesty I had no idea. I got the event info from another site that listed it as an "Old Florida" show and I've been to dozens of them in the past. They're neat (mostly outdoor) fairs - that have kitch flamingos, vintage souvenirs, old postcards, books and of course "Florida" art. I've collected this stuff for decades --- Never have I gone to a show with hunting, trapping, fish-killing displays. My bad for assuming all events were equal. They sure aren't. :(

I share your revulsion for the Safari Club. A brutal organization I never knew existed either till Dominion. I'll never forget the account of the orphaned baby elephants at the watering hole while the wives of the killers bought blood diamonds. Talk about illustrating a vivid counterpart!

Anyway - Thanks for your visit and I hope you have a super "real love" Valentines Day - Everyday. ;)

veganelder February 14, 2013 at 5:55 AM  

One of the phenomena I've noticed since commencing the practice of good planetary citizenship (living ethical veganism as much as possible) is how ubiquitous are the large and small reminders and exhibits of our exploitation and cruelty. And how the pressure and hints to "normalize" these pathologies is unrelenting.

I've come to expect my sensibilities to be insulted...and like you...find the deliberate perverting of the compassion of the children to be so very sad...and so very wrong.

It's so awful that we teach the children to be kind, to share, to be compassionate and then tell them but only if the recipient is a human don't have to behave that way toward the other animals...toward your planet. How sad for all of us...especially our victims.

Thanks for wearing the Vegan shirt. And thanks for all you do for the animals and the planet.

Bea Elliott February 14, 2013 at 1:48 PM  

Thank you veganelder - For me it's always the children too. I guess in many ways I'd be more truthful if I said that it's the child in me that is (still) most upset with the way cruelty or indifference is normalized. We're not even really "taught" to be so - But this exclusive "humans only" mindset becomes blindly inherited - A bad habit learned through observation.

It's so easy when an authority figure makes a claim... Sort of like how presidents say "God Bless America" - By default it means every other nation, all *other* citizens, aren't worth a crap. "Love your fellow man" does that too - It leaves all other species out. Too bad - There's lots of "fellow men" that I love a lot less than the common housefly. (oops!)

Anyway, at this event I let my shirt do the talking with a few exceptions. It was kind of cool turning the tables as a "patron" - I got to (nicely) tell an "organic rancher" and a taxidermy guy just what was on my mind - And they were the captives this go around! Even in front of their kids!

Finally, I'm glad I put up a fuss about the entry fee - The original site I found the information on didn't say a word about a charge... We got in for nothing which was what the whole event was worth - I'll put what I saved to better use - Bet on that! ;)

Happy Valentines Day to you --- Year round! <3

Anonymous February 17, 2013 at 4:21 PM  

The indoctrination of kids really is one of the saddest parts. By nature I think most of them gravitate toward animals, but we train the compassion and empathy right out of them. :(

Great you were able to put your tee to good use though!

p.s. apparently there's going to be some kind of new taxidermy reality competition show airing soon?

Bea Elliott February 27, 2013 at 4:14 PM  

Hi hgv! You're so right about steering kids away from their true emotions! But how can it be otherwise when the harm and exploitation to others is so normalized? So desirable - As this new taxidermy show you mentioned.

I see the Discovery and History channels have a slew of similar programs. Hunting gators in the swamp... Live goat killing on a survivalist show... And at sea there's The Biggest Catch and Deadly Tuna. I keep trying to console myself that this is part of backlash... But I dunno. :/

Yes to V-tees! Got to admit every time I wear one I give you part the credit as I never was a walking-advertisement kind-of-gal before I read your successes. It works if only as "armor" against a less-than-friendly world sometimes! :)

Ingrid T May 25, 2013 at 1:54 PM  

You mention Safari Club and although I knew all about them, I had no idea, until recently, that USFWS has a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Safari Club and the NRA. (They have quite a few MOUs with different orgs.) In the document, they refer to Safari Club as a "conservation" organization, "involved in a wide variety of wildlife conservation projects and programs." Of course, this speaks to the much larger issue of the influence these organizations have in wildlife policy and "management," but of all the hunting groups, Safari most exemplifies what is absolutely wrong in the world of "sportsmen."

Bea Elliott May 30, 2013 at 4:28 PM  

Hi Ingrid! I think you wanted to post this on the entry about Damien Mander. No worries I can still relate to every opinion you voice about the "conservation" groups. Safari Club my foot!

I never knew much about them till I read the first few chapters in Matthew Scully's Dominion: The Power of Man, the Suffering of Animals, and the Call to Mercy. The depravity of the jeaux de post of the men snuffing out their list of target species while their wives/women fetishized the blood diamonds and gold was the most sickening scene that I'm still revolted by when recalling it. How could several chapters be devoted to exposing the Safari Club International I wondered... Well story after story I discovered how much there is to tell about this criminal, vile operation.

I hope Damien can un-cover some of the illegal schemes that the Safari folks get away with under the guise of a legitimate organization. They are thugs. Truly. :/

Thanks for your comment... And for caring.