In My Absence...

>>  Friday, March 7, 2014

Will trying to avoid sitting on a black cat who occupies a black chair qualify as good enough reason to be so scarce in blog postings? I thought not... But it has to be a temporary excuse to explain my absence. I'm not ill, injured or "MIA" - Just super busy with assorted life events that I hope will conclude in the near future. 

Till then... Maybe Oz can learn to type? :D


veganelder March 8, 2014 at 2:19 AM  

Any excuse is adequate if it is accompanied by a photo of a beautiful fur being and a snazzy shirt. :-)

Bea Elliott March 15, 2014 at 4:57 AM  

Oz is gorgeous isn't he! But there has been a time or two that he's escaped becoming a seat cushion. Thank goodness there's still enough cat-like agility in my body to stop inertia in mid air!

By the same token, it must be like trying to find Bea in a pile of white linens. Hugs to her and all fur beings at Heartland. :D